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MBABANE– The Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) has reminded emaSwati not to abuse the marula beverage (Buganu) and end up committing or falling victim to crime.

Chief Police Information and Communication Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati during a live interview on the radio yesterday and today, noted how some criminal activities were bound to escalate after people imbibed marula.

Further on that, in a video posted on REPS official social media posts, Vilakati noted that the Buganu season had arrived and there was a need to remind emaSwati about the crimes that were often reoccurring during this season.

She noted that crimes like assault were often prevailing during this season and such often lead to loss of life. Vilakati said another form of crime that often increases during this season was stock theft more especially chicken and goats.

Vilakati said rape cases were also another form of crime that was often observed during this time and children were the most victims. She noted that this crime often resulted from the fact that perpetrators were under the influence of the Buganu beverage.

Vilakati warned emaSwati to shun any form of crime, as police would be all out to ensure that people conducted themselves appropriately.

The Superintendent also urged brewers to avoid involving children in their business, as such would pollute their minds. She also urged the nation to align with the police mantra ‘Kuphepha kwakho kuphepha kwetfu, sikanye kanye asigweme budlova, sinciphise bucala netingoti temgwaco’. The marula season is also marked by the annual Marula Festival. This year’s first leg of the Marula Festival has been scheduled for February 25, at Buhleni Royal Residence, while the second leg has been scheduled for March 10, at Hlane Royal Residence.