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MBABANE – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy has received a significant increase in its national budget mainly to cater for the country’s 50 percent renewable energy target by the end of the financial year. 

As announced by the Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg during his budget speech last Friday, the government has allocated a budget of E1.09 billion which translates to an increase of E561 million Emalangeni, compared to last year’s allocation, to the ministry to implement its programmes including the access to clean water and electricity.

Government, through the Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority has approved the implementation of the 75 MW Solar PV, 13.6 MW Lower Maguduza hydropower plant, 33 MW Maguga Expansion and Lower Maguga Hydro Power Plants. An 80 MW of biomass power generation capacity, in addition to the already approved 40MW, has been assessed and confirmed viable for an additional generation.

According to Rijkenberg, the country is also assessing the market for the development of wind generation capacity.

“All these projects are expected to add to the installed capacity 21 and will contribute to the achievement of national security of supply and the target of at least 50% of renewable energy in the country’s electricity mix. 83,” he said.

While the country is strengthening its local generation, significant progress has been made with electricity access through the Rural Electrification Programme which considers both on-grid and off-grid solutions, based on the specific location of beneficiaries.

“Government has further developed a model for the installation of Distribution Ready Boards to assist under-privileged EmaSwati that are unable to wire their houses. This will assist to fast track the rate of electrification in the country and meet the 2030 target in a cost-effective manner and maximise on available resources,” he added.

Eswatini is one of the leading countries in the SADC region that has invested substantially in boosting access to electricity, with a National electrification rate of 83 percent. This is higher than the average for Africa, which stands at 40 percent. Another project expected to be catered for by this budget through the Eswatini National Petroleum Company (ENPC) is the development of the Strategic Oil Reserve Facility at Phuzumoya. Construction of this project is expected to start this year.