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MATSAMO – Clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices are essential for the survival of pupils in Eswatini, especially during this COVID-19 era.

This is the reason the Timphisini Constituency, through the assistance of Water Thirsty, has sprung to action and assisted Mlumati Primary School have clean water for the learners here.

The school, which is located a kilometer away from the Matsamo Border gate, has 200 leaners. With its beautiful scenery and welcoming environment fit for learners to perform at their best as evidenced to the 100 percent pass rate, the school previously had challenges in its water supply.

In fact, it relied on government tankers for water supply that sometimes took time to make deliveries. This saw the administration spending an extra E5000 and above in its coffers just to have water for the school to be operational.

However, 2020 became a turning point following efforts by Water Thirsty and the Inkhundla.

Eswatini Positive News has gathered that funding of E100 000 was allocated to the school from which it managed to have its own borehole and handwashing sinks.

According to the school’s principal Billy Mohamed, the construction of the borehole and washing sinks has helped the pupils in their performance. He said water shortages was no longer a problem – thanks to the funding.

“Since we are faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of water has made things to be easier for the school to concentrate on lessons,” he said. He explained that the community also benefits from the school’s tank as they are allowed to fetch water here.

Sabelo Sibandze, a community member, said they are pleased that the school has received help from the Constituency Council to conquer water shortages at the school.

“Water is essential for everyone. It also helps the school conduct lessons without and challenges,” he said.

Meanwhile, Timphisini Member of Parliament Nelson Mamba said they are grateful to Thirsty Project for the funding. He said the project has also helped the community have access to freshwater.

“We call this development,” he said. This publication has gathered that Thirst Project has made a bold commitment to provide access to safe, clean drinking water to all people in the country. In fact, the initiative is working closely with the government of Eswatini to reach