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EZULWINI – The month of January is known as the month of blues as most people are faced with financial difficulties.

On Thursday MTN changed the narrative for four of its customers as they walked away with E100 000 which they shared equally on Thursday.

The four won themselves E25 000 each after playing the MTN Summer Promo which started at the beginning of October 2023 and ended last month.

These monthly winners are Zama Khoza, Mphumelelo Magagula, Shadrack Maphosa and Zakithi Motsa.

Handing over the cheques at the MTN headquarters, MTN VAS Coordinator Lindokuhle Mamba said it was encouraging to see how customers were taking advantage of the promotions.

She described the Summer Promo as one way through which MTN was giving back to the public, especially during this time when most people were financially drained due to festive spending and schools opening.

Shadrack Maphosa edited

In an interview the 75-year-old Maphosa said he would use the money for his upkeep and to support his daughter who is currently studying forestry in Zimbabwe.

“I am a pensioner and I really need money to take care of myself.”

Maphosa used to work at Swazi Cane where he spent most of his 35 years of service as an accountant. He said he was a regular player of the game with his number one motive being to entertain himself.

“I while away time on 7080 and it has paid off. I get geared up by the messages of encouragement where they often rate me as excellent and congratulate me for answering correctly and playing even more,” he said.

Mphumelelo Magagula edited

Magagula, who is a second-time winner of a monthly prize, said he would use part of his money to support two elderly women from his area. The 38-year-old hails from Manjengeni in Mananga.

“In September last year I won E20 000 on the MTN Bonanza, which I used to buy clothing for my children and some groceries for an elderly neighbour,” he said.

Magagula said he always encourages people from his workplace to play by sending ‘JOIN’ to 7080.

Zakithi Motsa edited

Another winner, Motsa, said this was her third significant win on MTN games and promos.

“In October I won a trolley dash of E5 000 and in November I won E5 000 cash on the Lula Competition.”

The 40-year-old resident of Malkerns said she would use E20 000 of the money to increase stock in her three grocery shops. She said she intends investing E5 000 on playing MTN competitions again.

Lined up for the next three months is a new promo dubbed Back-To-School Promo, which is still available on 7080 where people continue to answer simple questions for E2. In this competition MTN is giving away E3 000 weekly prizes to two customers; E30 000 monthly prize to one customer per month at the end of January and February; and a grand prize of E100 000 at the end of March, based on the accumulation of points.