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MBABANE – In a significant development for the remote community of Kontshingila in Swaziland with the aid of Engineers in Action (EIA), a new bridge has been constructed in 2018, costing over E3.2 million, linking the area with essential resources and educational opportunities throughout the year.

The project had its origins in the summer of 2017 when two students from EIA embarked on a journey to Southern Africa. Their mission was to identify potential bridge sites and assess the needs of communities in the region. Kontshingila in Eswatini stood out as a community in urgent need due to the Moneni River, which, during the rainy season, swelled and cut off the area, making it hazardous for residents to cross.

EIA is a US NGO working in South America and Southern Africa. Their mission is to develop sustainable infrastructure in underserved communities through local expertise and global partnerships.

During the rainy months, approximately three months of the year, the river became impassable, preventing 350 people from attending school, reaching their workplaces, and accessing markets in nearby towns. Tragically, the bad conditions led to the loss of more than six lives, including children.

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Responding to this pressing issue, the students of EIA initiated the construction of a 70-meter span bridge in the summer of 2018. Over two months, the bridge took shape, providing a safe passage for Kontshingila and Nhletjeni residents, even during the rainy season. This new infrastructure has not only saved lives but has also opened avenues for community members, enabling them to engage in activities that were previously restricted due to the unpredictable nature of the river.

The completion of the bridge signifies more than just physical connectivity. It represents a newfound sense of security and opportunity for the community. Residents can now access education, employment, and essential resources without fear, significantly improving their overall quality of life.

The bridge project exemplifies the positive impact of collaborative efforts and community-driven initiatives. It stands as a testament to the resilience of Kontshingila residents and their ability to overcome challenges with determination and support.

Local authorities and community leaders have expressed their gratitude for the transformative project, acknowledging the bridge’s vital role in enhancing the community’s connectivity and well-being. As Kontshingila enters a new era of improved accessibility, the bridge serves as a symbol of progress and unity, inspiring other communities to work together for positive change.

Pics: Engineers in Action Bridge Program