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By EPN Reporter

MBABANE – Eswatini Investments Promotions Authority (EIPA) wants to develop an eco-city at Mpakeni, under Sigwe Constituency in the Shiselweni Region.

The eco-city will be built around the dam that is being constructed at Mpakeni for an investment of approximately E3.6 billion (USD200 million). According to EIPA, the eco-city or the urban development would happen around the dam that is currently under construction.

According to EIPA, Mpakeni is one of the areas that are underdeveloped in the country. The investment authority envisages that population growth around the area would require a resettlement plan and infrastructure development.

According to other reports, Mpakeni Dam is part of the first component (Phase 1) of the Mkhondvo-Ngwavuma Water Augmentation Project, which is expected to create jobs for 10,000 people and benefit 100,000 Emaswati.

In August last year, His Majesty King Mswati III officially opened the construction of the dam and its construction would cost around E3.5 billion. The main contractor is a Chinese company, Syno Hydro and it collaborates with Eswatini Water Development Enterprise (EWADE).

Speaking during the event, the King said the dam’s construction would also bring about the creation of a state-of-the-art clinic and the road network improved as it would be tarred. He said he was pleased to bless the water project that would help Eswatini to grow and improve the economy through the agriculture sector.

The King added that it was also important for the nation because the dam would help serve as a water reservoir, storing enough water and ensuring food security. His Majesty said in the past, Lavumisa and surrounding areas experienced severe drought due to heatwaves and climate change, as a result, livestock and people greatly suffered.

Additionally, the King appreciated the African Development Bank (AfDB), which had representatives at the event, for funding the development project. He expressed his appreciation to the bank for assisting the country at a time of need. He said the bank also helped to find the most suitable contractor for the project; Syno Hydro. He expressed his hope that they will do a commendable job.