Women Unlimited receive their grant from DPM Themba Masuku and Minister Moses Vilakati during the handover of over E3 million to beneficiariesjpeg


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MBABANE – A program has been launched to improve waste management and livelihoods in the country. The programme is called Waste Management for Improved Livelihoods – and it has been financed to the tune of E3.9 million by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The grant is to be divided among 6 different beneficiary projects in the country.

Speaking on behalf of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku said, “It is pleasing to note that these beneficiaries will contribute to job creation and employment while addressing real-life environment and waste challenges. The significant involvement of youth as beneficiaries in some of the initiatives is also gratifying as the country is experiencing high unemployment rates which affect our youth in many ways.”

Deputy Prime Minister Masuku also noted that this programme will not only be addressing the issue of waste but going further to create sustainable jobs. “Indeed, it is the introduction and promotion of the circular economy approach that is key to addressing waste management challenges in Eswatini and the world at large,” added Deputy Prime Minister Masuku.

UNDP Resident Representative Rose Ssebatindira said that “UNDP is grateful for the excellent partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs through the Eswatini Environment Authority (EEA) in the implementation of this project.”

UNDP further announced a E14 million allocation to Eswatini under the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme, to support community driven environment and livelihood initiatives over two years (2022-2024). The first tranche of the funding has been dedicated to the Plastics Innovation programme aimed at eliminating plastic waste.