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LOBAMBA – Government uses most of its money to pay its employees, as E9.840 billion will be used for that purpose.

This is contained in Government’s document titled ‘Budget at a Glance’ where it is stated how the money generated by the administration is being used. Government uses its money on seven main expenses.

These expenses include payment of its employees, goods and services, capital expenditure, grants, social benefits, subsidies, interests, and other expenses. E9.840 billion will be used to pay civil servants by Government. That accounts for about 33 percent of the budget.

E4.080 billion will be used to pay for goods and services, which accounts for about 13 percent of the budget. For capital expenditure, Government is expected to pay E6.336 billion, which accounts for about 21 percent of the budget. That is the second largest expense of Government, following the wage bill.

Another largest expense for Government is that of grants, where the administration will pay E4.525 billion and that accounts for about 15 percent of the budget. E2.301 billion will be paid for interests and that accounts for about 8 percent of the budget.

For social benefits, Government will pay E1.341 billion and that accounts for about 5 percent of the budget. E392 million is for other expenses, while E60 million will be used to pay subsidies.