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MBABANE – The Eswatini Business Health and Wellness (EBH) has hosted the 5th EBH Annual Golf Day at Ezulwini Golf and Country Club, on Sunday.

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The event was themed ‘Swing the health and wellness way’. The Chief Executive Officer of EBH, Thobile Dlamini thanked the organisations that supported the event. “The wellness of employees is important in building an agile and resistant workforce. I urge the golfers to look deep into the 8 dimensions of health instead of only focusing only physical health”, she said.

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She also shared the news the Kingdom of Eswatini has done exceptionally well in mitigating the spread of HIV/AIDS.

It is said the sponsors of the event supported the event by purchasing four balls, tee box, watering stations, food and prizes. The sponsors include Happy Valley Hotel Ezulwini, Eswatini Bank, Standard Bank, MTN, Eswatini National Provident Fund (ENPF), Liberty Life Insurance and many more.

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MTN won the 1st prize at the awards that were held later at the Libandla Room. The 2nd prize went to Enviro Applied Products, and then NTT Toyota took the 3rd prize.