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MBABANE– A 58-year-old milestone!

Eswatini Broadcasting and Information Services (EBIS) on Friday marked 58 years since it went live on April 19 in 1966.

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This was confirmed by EBIS Director Sabelo Dlamini when reached for comment. Dlamini shared with this publication that they would love to thank the nation for its support over the past 58 years.

He said, “As our slogan ‘Liphimbo Lesive’ says, we would like to thank the nation for trusting us. So much has happened in the past 58 years in radio and in broadcasting in general. What is important is to see how it is improving, though it may not be at our pace, but it is definitely improving.”

The director went on to add that there was still a long way to go in terms of improving content and transmission, but in the past 58 years, they have seen great strides in improvement. He further said, “It must be noted that 58 years ago, one could only listen to EBIS if they were within the boundaries of transmission, but thanks to technology, anyone in the world can now tune in to listen to EBIS.”

Dlamini also highlighted that they continued to regenerate into a modern broadcasting station, and the process was still on-going for further improvements. He concluded by assuring Emaswati that they are continuously improving in all departments so they can stay relevant as a trusted source of information.

It is worth noting that EBIS is made up of two channels: SiSwati (EBIS 1) and English (EBIS 2).

EBIS is located in Mbabane Eswatini, at the corner of Gwamile Street and Dzeliwe Street in Mbabane, next to Coronation Park and the Prince of Wales Stadium. The SiSwati channel serves to inform, educate, and entertain the nation of Eswatini in their SiSwati language. It broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days per year.

EBIS is a state-owned broadcast and print information provider for Eswatini, which essentially wields total control over all media within the country. It was founded in 1966 as a radio broadcaster and was merged with print media in the early 1970s. It is a member of the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association. Since 1991, it has been under the Ministry of Broadcasting, Information, and Tourism and is responsible for:

  • Radio and television broadcasting services;
  • Newspapers, magazines, and other printed governmental publications;
  • Government information services, including the internet;
  • Accreditation of foreign news reporters and correspondents operating in Eswatini.