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LOBAMBA – The Ministry of Education and Training continues to enjoy the bigger chunk of the country’s budget, as it got a lion’s share yet again.

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The Education Ministry got E4 137 953 000 and was followed by the Ministry of Health at E2 988 960 000. The third Ministry, in terms of allocation, was the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, which got E2 260 222 000, followed by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport at E1 878 739 000.

The Ministry of Defence and National Security got E1 595 178 000, while the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) got E1 264 768 000. His Majesty’s Correctional Services got E700 812 000. The Ministry of Agriculture was given E1 547 083 000 and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy got E1 077 806 000. The Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (DPMO) almost got E1 billion, but that could not be the case, as it got E909 430. Below is information on what each Ministry got:

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  • Parliament got E127 403 000 (No recurrent and capital expenditure).
  • Private and Cabinet Offices got E97 355 000, including E89 862 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E7 493 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs got E134 656 000, including E100 940 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E33 716 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) got E1 264 768 000, including E1 214 768 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E50 000 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (DPMO) got E909 430 000, including E903 350 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E6 080 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation got E595 710 000, including E573 710 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E22 000 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Defence and National Security got E1 595 178 000, including E1 525 178 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E70 000 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development got E440 010 000, including E525 275 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E14 735 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy got E1 077 806 000, including E107 195 (recurrent expenditure) and E970 611 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Department of Geological Surveys, Minerals and Mines got E25 620 000 and that will go towards the recurrent expenditure.
  • Ministry of Agriculture got E1 547 083 000, including E367 969 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E1 179 114 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Economic Planning and Development got E2 260 222 000, including E268 041 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E1 992 181 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Housing and Urban Development got E494 378 000, including E443 178 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E51 200 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Eswatini National Fire and Emergency Services got E112 666 000, including E103 450 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E9 216 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade got E313 816 000, including E142 574 (recurrent expenditure) and E171 242 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Education and Training got E4 137 953 000, including E1 938 053 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E199 900 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Finance got E869 165 000, including E762 443 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E106 722 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Treasury and Stores Department got E52 058 000 and all of that money will go to recurrent expenditure.
  • Internal Audit Department got E12 944 and all of that money will go to recurrent expenditure.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Security got E761 373 000, including E750 598 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E10 755 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Public Service got E239 471 and all that money will go to recurrent expenditure.
  • Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) got E541 666 000, including E279 833 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E261 833 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) got E27 825 and all that money will go to recurrent expenditure.
  • Ministry of Health got E2 988 960 000, including E2 788 768 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E200 192 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs got E100 890 000, including E92 500 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E8 390 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) got E24 799 and all that money will go to recurrent expenditure.
  • Judiciary got E111 825 000 and all that money will go to recurrent expenditure.
  • His Majesty’s Correctional Services (HMCS) got E700 812, including E668 286 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E32 526 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Home Affairs got E207 100 000, including E187 100 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E20 000 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Eswatini National Treasury got E616 056, including E456 056 (recurrent expenditure) and E160 000 000 (capital expenditure).
  • King’s Office got E3 587 000 and all that money will go to recurrent expenditure.
  • Ministry of Public Works and Transport got E1 878 739 000, including E1 162 247 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E716 492 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Ministry of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs got E117 154 000, including E77 154 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E40 000 000 (capital expenditure).
  • Audit Department got E30 067 000, including E28 273 000 (recurrent expenditure) and E1 794 000 (capital expenditure).