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MBABANE- The Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) has donated a staggering one million Emalangeni to various charitable organizations in the country.

It is said the initiative is part of the company’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programme, which aims to address the challenges posed by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and make a positive impact on the Eswatini community.

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According to the EEC Managing Director Ernest Mkhotha, the donation will benefit nine different organization including non-profit entities that have been instrumental in providing essential health care services and other support systems for the community.

He said the company recognizes the crucial role played by these partners in improving the well-being and development of the country.

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Mkhonta, emphasized the organization’s commitment to enhancing the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and outlined their strategy, Vutsela 2022-27. The strategy highlights the importance of contributing to the communities in which they operate through their various CSI initiatives.

The EEC’s move to allocate such a significant sum to charitable causes is commendable and demonstrates their dedication to corporate social responsibility. By investing in the welfare of the community, the company aims to foster sustainable development and address the pressing issues outlined in the SDGs.

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The funds donated by the EEC will undoubtedly boost the capacity of the selected organizations, allowing them to continue their invaluable work and reach more vulnerable individuals in need. By recognizing the importance of giving back and actively investing in their communities, they demonstrate the potential for the private sector to make a meaningful difference.

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It is hoped that other organizations will follow in the footsteps of the EEC and recognize the importance of their own contributions to society. As the Eswatini community faces ongoing challenges, it is vital that businesses step up and support initiatives that seek to uplift the lives of those in need. The EEC’s donation serves as a reminder that corporate entities have the power to positively impact the communities in which they operate. It is through actions like these that a brighter future can be secured for Eswatini, one where social development and economic growth go hand in hand.