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By EPN Reporter

MBABANE – Hlathikhulu is on the verge of being resuscitated by Eswatini Investment Promotions Authority (EIPA).

An amount of E10 million is expected to be used in this initiative and 600 jobs are expected to be created. The resuscitation has already begun and the production within that town is expected to begin next month. EIPA will resuscitate the town by building a factory shell in the town to house a company known as Infinity/Gendas (Pty) Ltd.

This comes after another company, Chua Yi Paper, had to close in the country, following that the factory was burnt in 2021 during the political unrest. Chua Yi Paper was a corrugated paper boxes factory. It was burnt right in the town of Hlathikhulu.

As a result, the investor who had started the company, had no other option, but to move out of the country. Government took a decision to re-build the factory in Hlathikhulu, with an intention of resuscitating the economy of the town and its surrounding areas.

EIPA searched for an investor to occupy the factory and was able to find an investor. It is a sacks manufacturing company, which is from Newcastle in KwaZulu Natal Province of South Africa. It is originally from Taiwan and it is registered as Infinity. While the construction is taking place, the investor is now waiting on the side to start working . Installation of machinery in the factory started on January 15, 2024 and production is set to start from February 2024.