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Elections Featured on slider News

… As record-breaking voter registration recorded. 


MBABANE – “This year, history was made as we witnessed a record-breaking 91% registration of the eligible population registering, something that remains a dream for many countries across the globe.”

These were the words of Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo when making congratulatory remarks on behalf of Government today, in a statement regarding the 2023 General Elections. The 2023 National General Elections concluded this past weekend, where 59 new Members of Parliament, 59 new Tindvuna, and 336 Bucopho were elected. 

According the statement, the 91% registration turnout affirms that Tinkhundla system of governance is a participatory democratic system, where each and every liSwati has a say in the kind of Government they envision. 

“We would like to thank our diplomatic and development partners from various blocs and countries for their support in ensuring that the elections were a resounding success. We recognise the African Union, the European Union, the SADC Secretariat, the Commonwealth, the United States Embassy in Eswatini; and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Maputo for sending their elections observations missions to the country,” read the Government statement by Nxumalo. 

“Government notes your reports that affirm that indeed our national elections were free, fair and peaceful and we want to assure you that this is how it has been ever since we held our very first Tinkhundla elections in 1978. We also note your recommendations, particularly on the importance of a dialogue and the fair representation of the youth and women in Parliament, which we also advocate for as a country,” added Nxumalo in addressing the elections observation missions who gave their reports on the country’s elections. 

The Government spokesperson gave a special recognition to the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) for ensuring that all was in order during the entire elections process. He noted that the was a lot of improvement in terms of the voting process as voters voted in the shortest time possible, resulting in manageable queues.

“Finally, Government would like to congratulate all the candidates that won in their various constituencies. We particularly would like to congratulate the eight (8) women MP elects who were elected in various Tinkhundla. This is a huge improvement from 2018’s national elections where only two women were voted into Parliament. Congratulations boMake,” remarked the Government Spokesperson. 

He further encouraged those that did not make it to not condemn yourselves – telling them to keep on playing their roles in various communities and support the incoming constituency and community leaders. 

“We encourage the incoming Members of Parliament, Tindvuna Tetinkhundla and Bucopho to represent their constituents with integrity and loyalty. Remember, you are accountable to your constituents,” said the Government Spokesperson to those who will be serving the public for the next 5 years. 

The Government spokesperson also addressed the upcoming national dialogue. 

“We look forward to the Sibaya national dialogue that has been called by His Majesty King Mswati III scheduled for Monday, 23 October 2023,” said the Government spokesperson.