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MBABANE– “Elections need people of sound health and sound mind, the Government of Taiwan and Eswatini have ensured that we get to elections day healthy and sound.”

The above sentiments were shared by Mandvulo High School Chairman Zacharia Dlamini, who said the free medical help provided by the Taiwan Technical Mission meant a lot to them.

He said with the upcoming elections, they needed to be of sound mind and health. Dlamini said now they would be able to participate in the elections because they were given medical help.

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Over the weekend, the Taiwan Technical Mission provided free medical help to over 800 people.

Echoing Dlamini’s sentiments was local Member of Parliament Vulimpopi Nhleko who said they were grateful for the help.

 Lukhetfo ludzinga bantfu labaphilile,” he said, this can be loosely translated to “elections need healthy and sound people.”

Meanwhile, the Eswatini Government revealed they were more than ready and prepared for this year’s elections.

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This was once revealed by the Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg, during a follow up interview regarding the preparations of elections in the country.

Worth noting is that the first-ever elections in the country were held in June 1964 to elect members of the Legislative Council, while the last elections took place in 2018.

Meanwhile, Rijkenberg mentioned that despite the current economic slowdown, the government had budgeted in advance for the national elections which this country holds every five years.

The Minister further allayed any fears of budgetary constraints and has assured the local electorate that in the next week or two government will make cash available in the amount of E50 million for the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) whose Chairman is Chief Prince Mhlabuhlangene.

“Furthermore, it looks like this year’s national elections will cost us an estimated E330 million with E50 million being released now and the E280 million after this year’s budget. We do not foresee any financial problems stalling them,” he said.

The national elections which were last held in 2018 are expected to be preceded by the local government elections whereby residents of local towns and cities are expected to hit the polls to vote for councilors and mayors.

Last week, this publication ran a story on how the government is going to spend E8 million for the municipal elections. The minister said a budget had already been drawn for the local government elections and it was presented to the ministry. He said the money would be made available for the municipal election as soon as possible