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MATSAPHA – The cool weather prevailed once again as Emabutfo made the sacred annual walk to cut Lusekwane. 

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Even though December is among the hottest months of the year, the annual walk to cut lusekwane is always covered by conveniently cool and cloudy weather. This year’s walk was no different as the regiment enjoyed cool weather all the way, even though the ceremony happened in January instead of the usual December. 

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His Majesty King Mswati III today led the country’s Emabutfo regiment to cut the sacred Lusekwane shrub as part of the annual Incwala Traditional Prayer ceremony. The procession left Engabazweni Royal Residence in the afternoon, arriving at Nhlambeni about an hour later at around 5PM. 

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About 70 000 members of the male regiment joined this year’s annual walk to cut the sacred lusekwane. The regiment is currently resting and enjoying refreshments, having cut the sacred shrub upon arrival. 

The regiment is expected to return later tonight, walking back with their respective cuts of the sacred lusekwane. 

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The annual walk to cut the sacred Lusekwane is part of the Eswatini nation’s annual prayer known as Incwala. It is followed by a main Incwala dance ceremony where the nation gathers from all around the country to give thanks to the almighty God for the seasons. 

Incwala is currently continuing as Emabutfo return tonight with the sacred Lusekwane

His Majesty King Mswati III has announced that the main Incwala Holiday will be on Tuesday, January 10 2023.