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MBABANE – As the race to Parliament heats up, the Elections Boundaries Commission has interviewed Emaswati on whom they want to see elected this year.

The EBC has been conducting community outreach exercises, whereby they talk to Emaswati in different communities to get their feedback and opinions on the ongoing national elections.

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Speaking during one such interview published today, popular preacher Dr Nash Shongwe affirmed that he is happy Emaswati are participating in record numbers in forming their Government for the next half a decade.

“What I can say is to encourage everyone to come out as we are building our nation. The second thing is to encourage Emaswati to choose people with good hearts, who are trying to build up the nation, not people who are in it to enrich themselves. I also urge people not to elect based on friendship, but to elect someone who is going to work for the country, someone with a proven track record of what they have accomplished,” said Dr Shongwe.

He further thanked Emaswati for the largely peaceful manner in which they have engaged each other in the elections.

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Nontokozo Sikhondze of Lubulini discussed laws which favour labourers when talking about what kind of legislators Emaswati should vote for.

“I hope we vote for legislators who care about the well-being of labourers. For example, the issue of rising inflation of goods in shops when wages are stagnant should be a priority for our legislators. I hope the people who get voted into parliament pass laws which are in favour of us as citizens of Eswatini” said Nontokozo Sikhondze of Lubulini.

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Another citizen who spoke on issues of employment was Sibonakaliso Dlamini of Sidvokodvo who went on to encourage that youth should be given opportunities to utilize their energy and educated minds.

“You sometimes find that when development happens, it is the unemployed youth who sabotage it. You install water pipes and the youth steal them, you install electricity and the youth steal the copper, and so on. To keep the youth busy, you have to give them employment opportunities,” said Dlamini.

The Elections and Boundaries Commission has confirmed the dates for the primary elections to be August 26, 2023.