IMG 20220106 WA0002 1


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IMG 20220106 WA0002 1
Students from Emlalatini Development Centre


EZULWINI – Emalalatini Development Centre has released a new school fees structure for their secondary education level.

According to Emlalatini’s Simon Maseko, the new fees have opened a window for every youth, young mother, and adult to continue with their Secondary Education using open schooling and online learning.

With less than a week before the reopening of schools, such news will surely be welcomed with excitement. The new fees structure has been shared with the public by the Development Centre before the end of last week.

“We are increasing access and reducing the cost of secondary education, and putting money back into the pockets of adults, young mothers, women, and out-of-school children who can now learn at Mlalatini Development Centre,” Maseko said.

He further added that the cost reduction is meant to allow learners to afford to buy smartphones or a tablet and also afford to buy data bundles to be used for online learning.

The changes were welcomed by students as they cited the unusual situation brought about by the surging COVID-19 pandemic.

The new fees have been applied from Form 1 up to Form 5.

IMG 20220106 WA0001 1

Here is the new fees structure:

Form 1: E100.00 per year for 7 subjects or less. To enrol in Form 2, you must have passed Form 1 or failed Form 2. You will have access to Form 1lessons to fill any gaps you have.

Form 3: E300 per year for 7 subjects or less. You must have passed Form 2 or failed Form 3. You will have access to Form 1 and 2 lessons to fill any gaps you have.

Form 4: E400.00 per year for 7 subjects or less. You must have passed Form 3 or failed Form 4 – you will have access to Form 1, 2, and 3 lessons to fill any gaps you have.

Form 5: E500.00 per year for 7 subjects or less. To enrol in Form 5, you must have passed Form 4 or failed Form 5. You have access to lessons from Form 1 to 5 to fill any gaps you may have.


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