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MBABANE – Emlalatini Development Centre (EDC) has taken measures to pay money that is owed to its part-time employees.

This is in response to the recent concerns raised about the wage payment delays experienced by the staff members of the institution.

It said that the institution has established a team to facilitate a robust channel for dialogue with part-time staff to ensure that delays are swiftly addressed.

Recent reports has it that 200 teachers from the institution suffered salary delays back dating to 2022.

It is said that the educators were hired under a program sponsored by Commonwealth Education to the tune of E1. 2 million.

In reaction, the institution has released a statement expressing regrets for the inconvenience and frustration caused by the delayed wages for its part-time staff members.

According to the statement, the bureaucratic processes involved in disbursing wages to its part-time staff, which entailed consultations with the Ministry of Education and Training, followed by authorisation from the Ministry of Public Service. The Ministry of Public Service has now issued the necessary authorisation, enabling the payment of these wages. EDC expressed gratitude to the Ministries for their timely response in resolving this wage impasse.