By Mbali Vilakati
MBABANE – The Eswatini National Petroleum Company (ENPC) visited Mbabane Central High School on Monday (May 27, 2024) to educate the pupils about the benefits of using gas as a clean energy source.

During the visit, they touched base on the benefits of using what is known as Phephile Gas as a clean household cooking energy source. The ENPC website states the benefits of using Phephile Gas includes being safe and sustainable for the environment.

The gas also reduces premature deaths due to use of unsafe, inefficient and unhealthy cooking energy sources and it is also portable, convenient to use, clean and most efficient fuel.

According to information sourced from ENPC Facebook page, the pupils at the school were buzzing with confidence to learn about the safety of Phephile Gas. The visit was a huge success. ENPC showered the excited students and teachers with gifts.

Phephile Gas, according to ENPC, is a liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder, which is made out of composite material. This means that when the gas is exposed to fire, it will never explode.
It is lightweight and also helps with monitoring your gas usage. It is currently available in the market in different sizes such as 5kg, 10kg, and 14kg. Prices for the gas vary across the various outlets in which the gas is sold. It is easy to switch it on, as it comes with its own regulator.
One can expect to pay around E470 when buying the 14kg gas cylinder. But that depends on the outlet where it is bought. The product is available in all the four regions of the country.