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MANZINI – The Eswatini National Provident Fund’s (ENPF) digital systems have impressed the global stage as its acting CEO, Futhi Tembe, unpacked the fund’s remarkable digital transformation journey during the recent International Social Security Association (ISSA) ICT Conference in Indonesia.

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The conference, which took place from Wednesday to Friday last week, extended an invitation to the ENPF to share best practices with the attendees from 71 countries around the world and also engage with them in interactive sessions on lessons learned and how others can apply the success story of the Fund to their organisations.

Tembe represented the Fund at the conference and also had three presentations on digital-related topics last Thursday and Friday. She gave detailed presentations with visual illustrations on the topic of “Approaches to Improve Institutional Capacity and Security of Operations: Leveraging Cloud Technologies.” The acting CEO also presented on “New generation added-value mobile apps: Leveraging enhanced mobile capabilities.” In her third session, Tembe was the moderator of a panel discussion on building digitally resilient social security institutions. She moderated the session, which included experts from Portugal, Singapore, Indonesia, Fiji, and Belize.

The 17th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Social Security (ICT 2024) was organized by the ISSA in collaboration with the Social Security Administering Body for the Health Sector (BPJS Kesehatan) of Indonesia. The presenters and their impact on the conference have been highlighted on the ISSA website and other industry-related platforms.

The conference provided a unique platform for senior representatives of ISSA members to review recent progress in the data-driven transformation of social security institutions, be inspired by innovative solutions and the use of emerging technologies, and define digital strategies to support social security objectives worldwide.

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When reached for a comment, Tembe described the conference as insightful, impactful, and beneficial, as all the topics related to making the best use of technology to enhance customer service excellence.

“The sessions gave us detailed insights on how we can enhance our current services to edify our digital rollouts. We also had a chance to share our best practices. We are honoured to have had that platform to engage with the international delegates on ENPF’s successes and learning’s. We have also strengthened our global networks thanks to this conference,” she said.

The Acting CEO also appreciated the fund’s team for their hard work in the development and implementation of the digital transformation, which is now highly regarded by other social security institutions globally.

She said since 2009, the fund has been able to roll out, among others, online payments of members’ benefits, online payments of contributions, and SMS notifications to members. More recently, she noted the real-time submission of NPF 200 using the employer portal and the online claiming of benefits through the app and portal. This year, ENPF introduced USSD for basic phones.

The milestones are among the key pillars of the presentation on adding value via mobile apps by Tembe. She also shared with the delegates ENPF’s pre-digital era and its current digital transformation journey. The acting CEO also highlighted lessons learned and challenges with which she engaged the audience. One of the successes was the successful implementation of the digital project within cost, time, and scope, and the second was the enhancement of digital skills amongst staff.

On the topic of Approaches to Improve Institutional Capacity and Security of Operations: Leveraging Cloud Technologies, she shared an exploration of how cloud technologies have improved operational capacity and security at ENPF.

“Leveraging technology has seen us implement automation of processes and services, and this has reduced errors, streamlined operations, and improved efficiency. Thanks to technology, ENPF has also achieved operational cost reductions for the Fund and its employers and members,” she shared.

Tembe also shared with the global delegates how the Fund had implemented robust cyber security measures to protect member data, prevent fraud, and ensure the security of online transactions. These steps include firewalls and cyber training by staff.

The recent global engagements align with the Fund’s vision to be a world-class social security fund that positively contributes to the livelihoods of its members and the economy of Eswatini. The Fund, which was established in 1974, turns 50 this year and is anchored by its mission statement to be a trusted social security partner that cares about Eswatini’s socio-economic development through increasing compliance, investment growth, creating a culture of service excellence, and retaining a team of motivated and committed staff.