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MBABANE– The Government of Eswatini has launched a new project aimed at improving the country’s internet infrastructure. The Power Line Optic Fiber Infrastructure project is in collaboration between the Eswatini Energy Corporation (EEC) and the Eswatini Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (EPTC).

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The PS of the Ministry of ICT, Mr Phesheya Dube officially launches the EPTC Fiber to the Home/Business project.

The EPTC confirmed that the project will connect Eswatini to the rest of the world via the Motraco infrastructure. This will provide a much-needed boost to the country’s communication capabilities and help ensure that communication costs remain affordable for emaSwati.

According to EPTC, The Power Line Optic Fiber Infrastructure project is expected to have a positive impact on the country’s economy. It will create jobs and stimulate growth in the telecommunications sector. Additionally, the improved connectivity is expected to attract more foreign investment to the country.

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They further explained that the launch of the Power Line Optic Fiber Infrastructure project is an important development for Eswatini. With improved internet connectivity, more emaSwati will have access to the benefits of the digital economy, including online education, e-commerce, and remote work. Ultimately, this project will help drive economic growth and improve the lives of emaSwati.

The Power Line Optic Fibre Infrastructure project will see the installation of fibre optic cables along power lines across Eswatini. This will create a high-speed communication network that will enable faster internet connectivity for businesses and individuals alike.

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The project is said to be part of the government’s drive to improve infrastructure across the country. Speaking at the launch of the project, the Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, Dumisani Ndlangamandla, said: “We are committed to improving the country’s ICT infrastructure to ensure that emaSwati are connected to the rest of the world. This project is a significant step towards achieving that goal.”

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The new infrastructure will also help bridge the digital divide in the country. Eswatini currently has a relatively low internet penetration rate compared to other African countries. The Power Line Optic Fiber Infrastructure project promises to change that by providing affordable and reliable internet connectivity to more areas of the country.

Courtesy Pics of Eswatini Posts and Telecommunications Corporation