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MBABANE – In a significant move to streamline trade within the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), the Eswatini Revenue Services (ERS) has joined forces with the South African Revenue Authority (SARS) to launch a pioneering Time Release Study (TRS).

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This collaborative effort, inaugurated yesterday, aims to facilitate a seamless flow of goods across SACU borders, particularly between Eswatini and South Africa.

The TRS will serve as an instrumental tool for identifying bottlenecks, refining procedures, and ultimately enhancing trade efficiency in the region.

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Commissioner General for ERS Brightwell Nkambule emphasized the significance of the TRS in updating activities within SACU countries.

Nkambule announced that the ERS would be travelling to meet with the border management agency to officially launch the TRS.

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“This initiative, which focuses on improving trade efficiency and identifying areas for refinement, is a key priority for the National Trade Facilitation Committee of Eswatini,” he said.

He stated that they picked up the Ngwenya/ Oshoek border because of it economic significance to Eswatini which account to almost 80% of trade compared to other borders of Eswatini hence it is very important and the immediate benefit of the study that recommendations have been identified and they should see at ease in the congestion that is regularly seen at the border.

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Nkambule revealed that the TRS is a project funded by the World Customs Organization (WCO) in collaboration with His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Services from the previous year. He further explained that the primary objective of the study is to pinpoint bottlenecks between the Ngwenya border in Eswatini and the Oshoek border in South Africa.