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MBABANE– The Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM) has delivered its promise of swift connectivity to Tinkhundla centres.

The Minister of Tinkhundla Administration and Development David Ngcamphalala has received printers from ESCCOM to be used at six Tinkhundla Service Centres; Lobamba, Lugongolweni, Mhlambanyatsi, Mayiwane, Gege and Mhlume. ESCCOM will also provide wi-fi services to these centres.

ESCCOM is the regulatory body responsible for regulating the communications sector in Eswatini, consisting of telecommunication services and networks, broadcasting services, postal services and the use and allocation of radio spectrum.

It derives its mandate from the Swaziland Communications Commission Act number 10 of 2013. The Commission became operational on July 31, 2013, effectively taking over all the regulatory powers of the sector from the Eswatini Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (EPTC) and Eswatini Television Authority (Eswatini TV).

Meanwhile Minister Ngcamphalala said the acquisition of this digital equipment has come in handy for the people of Lobamba and the other constituencies, who will now be spared the hurdle of having to travel to regional offices to seek Government services.

“These services include registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths; applications for and collection of Travel Documents; social welfare services, revenue collection, winding up of estates for deceased family members, as well as registration of motor vehicles, among others,” he said.

Since the year started, ESCCOM has been in a bid to increase broadband connectivity by giving free internet access to all emaSwati.

This is done through the Universal Access and Service fund (UASF) which aims to increase internet access to the public and offers subsidised internet in public areas. Everyday people now enjoy access to 500mb of free data.

When sought for comment, Eswatini Communications Commission Marketing Officer Simphiwe Dlamini mentioned that getting the internet was just a link away.

“The fund continues to supply the last mile connectivity of health centres, government centres (RDAs), education centres and network infrastructure. All you do is follow the link, follow the steps and you are connected. Base stations have been installed in different rural areas so as to improve the wide area network,” said Dlamini.

In addition, Dlamini said all four regions (Shiselweni, Lubombo, Manzini and Hhohho) and some Tinkhundla in Eswatini have the subsidised internet access such as Nhlangano Health Centre, Mahamba Border Post, Lubombo Referral Hospital, Lomahasha Clinic, Sikhuphe KMIII Airport, Lavumisa Border Post, Lobamba Clinic, Luyengo Clinic, Ngwenya Border Post and Matsamo Border Post.