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MBABANE– The Eswatini Water and Agricultural Development Enterprise (ESWADE) and National Maize Corporation (NMC) hosted the Commercial Maize Project Stakeholders’ Meeting.

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The meeting was to present an update on the project’s progress as well as present the challenges and lessons learned in the past season. It was also hosted to appreciate 14 farmers that have successfully repaid their production loans from last season for their outstanding performance.

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The Commercial Maize Project is an emergency program meant to increase maize production in the country. It is a three-year program run by the ESWADE in partnership with the National Maize Corporation (NMC).

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Two insurance companies were invited to educate farmers on the various crop insurance cover and credit life insurance options available for them and NMC Commercial Maize Project at the Stakeholders’ Meeting.

Pictures of the event sourced from ESWADE Facebook page