Japan-Eswatini Official Development Assistant Policy Dialogue


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MBABANE – The Ministry of Economic Planning and Development has today held the 8th Japan-Eswatini Official Development Assistant Policy Dialogue. According to a statement on Government’s official social media, the purpose of the dialogue was to engage on possible areas of collaboration and support between the two countries in the medium term.

Principal Secretary Thabsile Mlangeni, who was represented by “This meeting presents an opportunity for the Government and the people of Eswatini to physically express our appreciation and gratitude to the Government and people of Japan for the continuous support and partnership in economic development.”

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Marie HIDAKA, Counsellor, Embassy of Japan speaking during the event.

The PS added that, “The government of Japan is one of our major socio-economic development partners as they have supported the Government of Eswatini in improving the basic life of the socially vulnerable people of Eswatini under various sectors of the economy. The main areas of support have mainly been in the education, health and agriculture sectors, including food security, water and sanitation.”

Marie HIDAKA, Counsellor, Embassy of Japan revealed that, “From 1982, Japan has been continuously supporting the Kingdom of Eswatini through various means such as food production assistance or grass roots human security projects, amongst other things. The Government of Japan is committed to continue with the support it is providing to the Kingdom.”

Government received support worth E145 million from Japan in the 2020/2021 fiscal year.