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MBABANE – “The bank understands that there is poverty in the country, which is why it is contributing in this way with the Scalisa Foundation.”

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These were the words of Mbuso Mavuso who was speaking on behalf of Eswatini Bank when the bank and Scalisa Foundation officially commissioned the building of mkhulu Aaron Dlamini’s house. The event happened at Mndobandoba under the Nkilongo inkhundla.

Mavuso added that Eswatini Bank started working with Scalisa Foundation in order to help the needy.

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Mavuso’s words about assisting the country were echoed by Scalisa Foundation Director, Alex Fakudze.

“We are determined to assist the country everywhere we are. This is why these days we were getting more partners on board and signing Memorandums of Understanding,” said Fakudze.

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Mkhulu Dlamini’s house is the fourth house to be built under the Memorandum of Understanding between Scalisa Foundation and Eswatini Bank. Mkhulu Dlamini thanked the Foundation and Eswatini Bank for their assistance.

“I’m grateful to God for answering my prayers, I did not know that this was going to happen. Other people saw my plight and presented it where they did,” said Dlamini, expressing gratitude to the Scalisa Foundation as well as Eswatini Bank.

His words of gratitude were echoed by Nkilongo Member of Parliament, Mfanasibili Sibandze.

“We we will continue to request for your help, as my indvuna said that there are a lot of people who would benefit from proper shelter here,” said the MP, thanking the two organisations for their support to the constituency.