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MBABANE – Eswatini Dairy Board has trained 60 farmers since last year.

It is said these farmers received training in dairy production and processing.

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Bandile Mdluli, Dairy Development Manager, explained that the training has empowered farmers to start their own businesses.

Mdluli said it is important for local farmers to increase their production of dairy products.

“Most that were able to receive the training are now ready to start their own businesses to prosses dairy products. There are some that are able to process products emasi and yogurts. We are very happy to see the progress that has been made and we believe that when more farmers come for training they can benefit. We hope that this will increase exports and decrease the need for imports,” said Mdluli.

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According to Eswatini Dairy Board, the current annual demand for milk and its products in the country is estimated at 50 million liters in terms of liquid milk equivalents (LMEs). The local dairy herd contributes about 7.35 million liters per year to milk production. It is stated that to meet the remaining 42.65 million liters of LMEs, the country relies on imported dairy products and contributions from the beef herd. The training is aiming to reduce the amount of needed imports.

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Alfred, a businessman, acknowledge the valuable insights gained from the training.

“We learned a lot on pasture preparations, how to prepare the place before bringing in the dairy cows, and we learned a lot about the size of the cows themselves, so we know all the steps involved,” said Alfred in an interview with Eswatini TV.

Alfred also stated his intentions to venture into dairy production and processing the coming year, expressing gratitude for the comprehensive training he had received.