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MKHIWENI – Twenty-one residents of Mkhiweni are now owning a truck.

After managing to raise a sum of E112 000, the residents have today received a 4-tonne truck worth over E928 000 purchased through the Regional Development Fund (RDF) by government.

This was after they had formed a company known as Sicaca Investment.


Sicaca Investment is a community business from Mkhiweni Constituency and it is planning to lease out the truck and take advantage of the sugarcane industry.

They will then generate an income from which they will share the profit. This is not the first time government has assisted community-based businesses through the RDF to purchase either a heavy plant or buses in order to venture into business.

Speaking during the presentation of the truck today, Yaya Sifundza, Chairman of Sicaca Investment, thanked government of Eswatini for the truck.

“We believe it will improve our lives. We promise to take good care of it so that it can last longer,” he said.

When handing over the truck, Minister of Tinkhundla Administration and Development David Ngcamphalala said government has always looked up to the Regional Development Fund as an appropriate vehicle with which to improve the lives of the people at the grassroots level.

“The fact that this is the 13th RDF funded project in this constituency since 2015 demonstrates the ability of the Tinkhundla System of Government in shaping the level of the lives of Emaswati,” he said.