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MBABANE– The Government of Eswatini has spoken on the stance taken by the European Parliament.

In a statement sent out by Eswatini Government Spokesperson Alpheus Nxumalo, government has learned from news sources that there was a resolution taken by the European Parliament about the Kingdom of Eswatini.

Nxumalo said while a formal correspondence on the content and context of the resolution is yet to reach government, government found it necessary to react to the news as the EU was generally a highly valued strategic partner and a friend to the Kingdom of Eswatini.

“The EU as a bloc has fallen and risen with the Kingdom of Eswatini on many strategic and developmental aspects. Therefore, the Government of Eswatini values every aspect of their friendly advice. 

“However, government wants emaSwati to note that this is neither a binding nor compelling resolution. Also, the resolution was canvassed by independent members of the European Parliament, not by the incumbent or sitting government parties from the European bloc. 

“Having said that, government wishes to reiterate that the Kingdom of Eswatini is a peace loving country and a defender of Human Rights; including the rights of those who do not share the same political perspective with the majority of the population,” said Nxumalo.

The Government Spokesperson further said government continued to strongly condemn the brutal and barbaric killings which occurred across the country and further rejects the unsubstantiated claims of its involvement in some of these killings and heinous crimes. 

“Government’s position has been consistently that of protecting and assuring safety and justice to all emaSwati. Aligned with this commitment, the Government, through the office of the Right Honourable Prime Minister, has released a number of statements stating that the country has already commissioned investigations on all killings in the country, including that of Human Rights Lawyer Thulani Maseko and further revealed that some of the perpetrators have already been apprehended in connection with some of the killings.”

On the issue of a national dialogue, Nxumalo said government has stated categorically clear that it has always been ready to commence same. However, Government maintains that this can only be possible when the safety and protection of all emaSwati is guaranteed.

“Further, emaSwati have their right to freedom of expression as enshrined in Section 25(1) and (2) of the Constitution. There are relevant existing structures at all levels of Government mandated to sanction/enforce these clauses of the Constitution. Freedom of association by the same Constitution is upheld at all levels of Government.

“In addition, Eswatini as a member of the regional body SADC continues to engage with the Troika in order to find the most suitable and appropriate modality for the dialogue while avoiding the sovereignty and the Constitution of the Kingdom.

“In conclusion, Government is looking for modest ways to engage all multilateral organisations going to the future in an endeavour to clarify and explain our positions,” said Nxumalo.