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MBABANE – “The nation can have faith in the validity of these statistics, and we have shared them with the whole world.”

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These were the words of Eswatini Communications Commision (ESCCOM) Chief Executive Officer, Mvilawempi Dlamini, when speaking about the “Baseline of Household and Individual ICT Access and Use in Eswatini” report today.

The report was launched among stakeholders at a launch event held at Emafini.

Speaking about the importance of the report, Dlamini highlighted that it would be helpful in formulating ICT policies in the country.

“What is important about this report is that it helps the country to develop programmes by revealing where the gaps are that need to be plugged. It enables us to develop policies which enable us to address the gaps that were uncovered as we were conducting the research,” said Dlamini.

He went to describe the type of statistics which were targeted by the report.

“The report is self-explanatory in terms of data presentation. It gives information on the demographics of internet access, such as by gender and age, and other useful data such as how many people have televisions, for example,” revealed Dlamini.

The research survey on ICT access in Eswatini was conducted in conjunction with the Central Statistics Office (CSO), and it was funded by ESCCOM.

(Pics sourced from Eswatini Observer)