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MBABANE– “I love Eswatini, it has become my second home and every time I’m there, I feel at home. I cannot wait for Luju,”

The above sentiments were shared by vocalist Mandisi Dytantis during an interview with this publication. The latter is booked to perform in the country for the upcoming Luju Festival, taking place in August.

He is one of the first artists to be booked for the much-anticipated festival.

Dyantyis mentioned that the last time he was in the country, he felt at home and this was during the MTN Bushfire last year.

“The love I get when I’m in Eswatini is unbelievable, I always feel welcomed when everyone there appreciates music,” he said.

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Mandisi Dyantyis is a vocalist, trumpeter and musical director known for his versatility in Jazz, Western Classical and African indigenous music, as well as his ability as a raconteur.

Now based in Cape Town, Dyantyis was born and raised in Port Elizabeth, where he began learning to play the trumpet at the age of 8.

After graduating from UCT with a BMus Honours Degree in Jazz Studies, he went on to perform with numerous musicians of note, including Jimmy Dludlu, The Abdullah Ibrahim Big Band, Robbie Jansen, Max Vidima and Moreira Chonguica to name a few.

He has produced, played and co-written on Nomfundo Xaluva’s multi-award-winning albums KUSILE and From.Now.On.

Dyantyis currently holds the position of Musical Director for the theatre company Isango Ensemble, previously known as Portobello.

He has held this position since 2008 and has travelled around the world as its musical director. His position as director was nominated for the Los Angeles National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) Award for Best Musical Director.

His first album Somandla was released in 2018. Described as a deeply emotional story by All Jazz Radio, the album makes use of Dyantyis’ work history with the Isango Ensemble and provides much promise for more to come. Dyantyis has since taken hold of powerful propositions. His singing, trumpetry and the concepts that govern his approach to composing are concerned with much more than music. To understand the musical mystique radiating around Dyantyis, one has to drink from the well that raised him.