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… To start in-person, large gathering this coming weekend


MBABANE– After close to three years of closing physical meetings, Eswatini Jehovah’s Witnesses will be back in church and on the streets, preaching the Gospel.

This is according to Lucky Dlamini, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Local Spokesperson, who said after over 1 000 days or three years of virtual assemblies, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Eswatini will resume their local in-person large assemblies or gatherings starting this coming weekend.   

Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world resumed meeting in person for their local assemblies from January 1, an event that was suspended in March 2020 as a safety precaution to stem the spread of COVID-19.

Circuit assemblies are one-day meetings of multiple congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses held twice each year. Circuit assemblies are open to the public and are designed to encourage spirituality by helping attendees of all ages to benefit from the Bible’s advice.

“Now that COVID-19 cases have gone down significantly, it only makes sense that communities do continue benefitting from such large in-person meetings that take place in their localities.

“For the past three years, we have seen these events taking place virtually. An in-person assembly in our area will be at Somnjalose High School Hall, Duze High School Hall, Lusoti High School Hall, and SOS Hermann Gmeiner High School Hall between March and April 2023,” said Dlamini.

Commenting on going back to in-person large meetings, the National Spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses said they were thrilled to receive the direction to resume in-person large meetings.

“The prospect of being together as one family under one roof is faith-strengthening. We will surely enjoy the hugs, smiles, and tears of joy that we had missed all this while. On top of that, we look forward to learning bible messages along with our friends and neighbors who are willing to join us on such assemblies or meetings.”

The program promises several highlights. For example, answers to the following questions will be provided using the Bible, How can we make others feel welcome, and why should we do so? and How can we be a force for peace?

 “The rate at which families are breaking up is alarming. Many are even becoming self-centered and cold. Yet, it is possible to have a happy and united family. This is exactly what the program will address using Bible principles,” said Dlamini.

The program is available in the siSwati and English languages.

To learn more about some of the topics that will be discussed on the day, you are invited to visit the website www.jw.org or follow the link 2022-2023 Circuit Assembly Program With Circuit Overseer (jw.org)

If you would like to know the actual date and venue for any of the mentioned languages, please contact:

Local contact for Eswatini: Manqoba Makhubu, +268 7670 4606

Lucky Dlamini, +268 7611 8683