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MBABANE- An interactive brand!

Eswatini Mobile has challenged its customers and party lovers to come up with the best hashtag. This is followed by the announcement made by the telecommunications company regarding the event dubbed ‘the Rebirth of Music Carnival’ that will be hosted on November 12, 2022.

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The rules of the competition state that whoever has the catchiest, fun or thought-provoking caption will win a VIP ticket and No Frills package.

During an interview with one of the members of the organising team, it was mentioned that the idea behind this competition is to encourage engagement.

“We wanted to bring the whole concept closer to home and increase the engagement among our customers and followers so as to recognise their creative abilities as well; it will be a fun and creative experience for them.

“Throughout the process of planning the event, it has been so important that we interact with our audience. Prior to this we gave the customers an opportunity to vote regarding how much they would like the tickets for this event to be,” said the team member.

The Eswatini Mobile organising team member also expressed their excitement regarding the numbers that will be attending the event as it is set to allow people in the entertainment industry to showcase their talents. It was mentioned that they were confident that it would be a fun experience for all people and huge numbers of people would be in attendance.