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MBABANE – Eswatini Government seems to be on the verge of eradicating HIV/AIDS in the country.

According to a presentation made by the National Emergency Response Council on HIV and AIDS (NERCHA), the 95-95-95 target is almost achieved. The country is now at 94-97-96 and this shows that the battle is almost won, as most of Emaswati know about HIV/AIDS and are almost at victory against the disease.

NERCHA made this presentation to Members of Parliament who are part of the Portfolio Committee on the Prime Minister’s Office. The Prime Minister’s Office and organisations under the PM’s portfolio had gone to meet the MPs and educate them on what the Prime Minister’s Office sought to achieve. The meeting took place on Wednesday at Sibane Sami Hotel.

The 95-95-95 is a target set by the organisations in the fight against HIV/AIDS. According to the latest statistics, it shows that more than 93 percent of the country’s population know about the disease and it is about to be eradicated. The first 95 means that Government wants to raise awareness such that 95 percent of its population knows its status.

The second 95 means that among those found to be HIV positive, 95 percent of them are already on anti-retroviral treatment (ART), in order for them not to eventually be killed by AIDS. The third 95 means that among those that are on ART, 95 percent of them have their viral load suppressed. At this stage, they are not able to transmit the HIV to other people.

During the presentation, NERCHA also revealed that the statistics among women from 15 to 24 years is 95-98-96, while among men aged 25 to 34, men are at 92-96-97. This means that women are active in knowing their HIV status, but they are lacking behind a bit when it comes to suppressing their viral load.

Regarding men, the statistics shows that men are hesitant in knowing their HIV status, but once they make that decision, they become fully committed in suppressing their viral load.

Government is not alone in the fight against this pandemic, but it is working with different partner organisations from both the public and private sector. Some of them include the Ministry of Health, National Response Council on HIV and AIDS (NERCHA), and the Elizabeth Glaser Paediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF), among others.