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MBABANE– EmaSwati are free to choose a religion of their choice.

This is according to His Majesty King Mswati III, who told congregants of the Seventh Day Adventist Church that the Kingdom of Eswatini prided itself on religious liberty that allowed people of all kinds of faith to worship freely in this country.

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The King was represented by His Royal Highness Prince Lonkhokhela during the visit of the president of the Seventh-Day Adventist world church Pastor Ted Wilson at a special prayer service held at the Mavuso Trade and Exhibition Centre in Manzini.

“I am happy to disclose that all churches including this Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) have been worshiping freely without government interference”, said the Prince.

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His Royal Highness began by lecturing saints on how the Adventist Gospel spread in Eswatini.

“The Adventist Gospel spread to the whole country and even got into the Royal Household through the association that Pastor Hlubi had with His Majesty King Sobhuza II, with whom they had attended Lovedale College together.

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“Consequently, many members of the Royal Family belong to this church. Moreover, the Adventist Church has had a very good relationship with government. Of note, are the good values and principles of honesty, hard work, and respect for all mankind that are instilled in its members and students alike. Many have held high positions of responsibility in government and private sector with integrity,” said Prince Lonkhokhela.

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The Prince further said government was also aware of the collaboration in the education and health sector where human and financial resources are shared with government supporting the church’s initiatives.

“Your church has been a good corporate citizen. His Majesty King Mswati III applauds the Adventist Church for taking serious issues of protecting women and children; the poor, disabled, and marginalise by periodically bringing support to these groups.”

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