Eswatini Scrap Recyclers Association


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MANZINI – Emaswati in the waste management field have reached a significant milestone in terms of collaborating to ensure the sustainability of the environment in the Kingdom of Eswatini. Yesterday, the Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs Moses Vilakati launched The Eswatini Scrap Recyclers Association of Eswatini.

Minister Vilakati says the waste management challenges currently faced by the country make circular economy “a major opportunity for Eswatini.” A circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products.

Speaking during the launch, Minister Vilakati said, “Circular economy approaches on waste management show strong synergies with other priorities in the economic policies of the country, which promote domestic industries, economic diversification, job creation and reducing import dependencies in many value chains.”

Minister Moses Vilakati amd officials from the Eswatini Environment Authority tour some waste recycling businesses
Minister Moses Vilakati amd officials from the Eswatini Environment Authority tour some waste recycling businesses in Matsapha

Minister Vilakati emphasized that there is a need to improve waste management chains across the country whilst simultaneously reaping socio-economic benefits. He referenced buy-back facilities and recycling infrastructure which would stimulate the diversion of waste streams from landfills.”

“A recycling economy in Eswatini can only be realised through maximum community involvement. Metals reclaiming is one of the most established waste value chains and a globally competitive industry that provides essential secondary raw material for metals manufacture, which in turn enables a significant reduction in use of energy and virgin resources,” said the Minister during the launch.

The Scrap Metal Recycling Association of Eswatini is formed by players in the waste management industry, including Nxumza Investments Recycling, Enviro-Swazi Scrap Metals, Nsimbi recyclers, and Swazi Scrap Merchants among others. It is supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, as well as the Eswatini Environmental Authority.