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MBABANE– The Kingdom of Eswatini has joined other Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Member States in launching the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) at a sensitisation meeting held in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.

AEO status is a certified standard authorisation issued by customs administrations in the European Union (EU). It certifies that an economic operator has met certain standards in relation to their business.

This is primarily a trade facilitation measure that recognises reliable operators and encourages best practices in the international supply chain.

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One of the seniors from the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Trade said the AEO seeks to ensure voluntary compliance in trade facilitation within SACU and beyond.

He said this particular programme is also expected to help ease traffic congestion in the country’s borders, in particular Ngwenya Border Post.

“Locally, the programme will be run by business associations like Business Eswatini (BE), the Federation of Eswatini Business Community (FESBC) and Eswatini Commercial Amadoda. The Eswatini Revenue Services will provide technical assistance where necessary,” said the senior officer.

Representing Eswatini are senior Government officials from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance, senior Eswatini Revenue Services officials, entrepreneurs and representatives of private sector organisations.