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EZULWINI – A new era for Eswatini TV.

In the first of its kind, Eswatini TV today unveiled a new programme schedule at the Gables Movie Zone cinema.

The different programmes were shown on the big screen, which was interesting to watch. The new time schedules will kick in immediately.

The TV station CEO, Mlamuli Dlamini, shared with this publication that they, as the station, are proud to reveal new time slots and would like to encourage emaSwati to tune in to enjoy the new time slots. Dlamini also stressed that they were dedicated as a station to improving the content and bringing in more quality programmes for emaSwati while promoting local talent as well.

When asked how it has been in office since his appointment seven months ago, he shared that a lot has happened and he got in just when it was a bust time and national events were taking place, but he was grateful for the opportunity and promised more is still to come.

It is worth mentioning that the CEO joined the station after his appointment last year by former Information Communications and Technology (ICT) Minister Her Royal Highness Princess Sikhanyiso. Before he joined the station, he had been working in the United States of America for 20 years.

The presenters of the different shows were called on stage to introduce themselves, their shows, and the new time slots by the programme directors, Mbali Simelane and Sonnyboy Ncongwane.

Welile Nxumalo was one of the speakers said, “What an honour…as a creative to stand amongst my fellows and the corporate world. When I was told I’d be addressing this audience…I said what we all here have in common…our love for our country and culture: Buve Betfu.”

I’ll start with our country and culture: allow me to show a snippet of a very popular, Emmy winning, worldwide viewed show and their narrative about Africa and Swaziland now Eswatini.

The Crown season 4 was released in 2020…and streaming on Netflix: a platform with over 250Million subscribers worldwide…you multiply that by 4 profiles per user and you have over 1 Billion viewers.”

She went on to add that, “There are more shows out there about our continent and especially our country and our people…and none of them positive. We need to take control of the narrative and the only way to do so it’s by telling our story ourselves: when writing the story of your life, do not let someone else hold the pen, these are the words of Harley Davidson.”

According to Nxumalo on these dramas the name Eswatini is mentioned in the same breath as AIDS, instability, poverty and a lot more things the world continues to peddle and misrepresent about our ways and way of life.

“So how do we tell this, OUR story and ensure it teaches our children positively about us, as a nation or tribe and that this narrative also cascades to all corners of the globe? Dare I say to similar platforms such as Netflix? The simple, one word answer is DRAMA!”

She also shared that drama is relatable, as it helps us broach difficult subjects, promotes social cohesion, shapes our thinking, holds a mirror to society…and does so much more, but am sure you are thinking.

Swati dramas when they come across them. A recent study conducted by ESCCOM, the local regulator reveals that Eswatini consumers watch Movies more than anything other genre when they turn on the televisions…and that genre is Drama! Story!

She also revealed that: Eswatini TVs first ever commissioned drama series Ekhaya created

90 jobs for creatives in TV, Sound and Music Production…over 80% of this team were cast and crew under 35. As I end this talk, let me do what I came here to do and introduce another exciting product…EKHAYA Season 2 which is is a 26 -part drama series and will soon be going into production.

The next speaker was Phathizwe Magagongo, who shared with the audience that he was once an intern at the TV station in 2013 before getting a scholarship to go study in Mauritius. He also thanked the station for the opportunity, as it taught him a lot. Upon returning from his studies, he was hired to be a lecturer at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Eswatini. He then shared a music video done by his students. Magongo thanked the TV stations’ CEO for allowing them to showcase local talent and working with them.

Also shown on the big screen were the different packages for the stakeholders who were invited to grab the opportunity of speaking to the marketing team to get value for their money.