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MBABANE – Eswatini is improving in enabling access to electricity for its citizens, as 84 percent of the population now has access to electricity.

In 2021, the country’s access to electricity was around 82 percent. According to the Economic Review and Outlook Report of the financial year 2023/24 to 2026/27, the country’s clean water accessibility is at 75 percent. The report highlights significant achievements in infrastructure, human capital development, and social protection in Eswatini.

Notable strides include expanding paved road coverage to 1 643 km, increasing access to electricity (84%) via rural electrification initiatives, improving access to clean drinking water (75%), and constructing crucial infrastructure like dams (e.g. Lower Usuthu smallholder Irrigation project – LUSIP) and the Sikhuphe KMIII airport. Moreover, significant progress has been made in enhancing human capital development and social protection measures.

It stated that since the inception of the National Development Strategy in 1997, notable achievements have been made in Eswatini. Key milestones include the implementation of a stronger legislative framework with the 2005 National Constitution and the Public Service Act of 2018. Additionally, advancements in e-government strategy, the establishment of the Eswatini Revenue Services, and the introduction of value-added tax (VAT) in 2009 have significantly contributed to the country’s development.

Key accomplishments during the National Development Strategy period in Eswatini include the introduction of free primary education, integrating information technology into schools, achieving the 95:95:95 target in combating HIV/AIDS, eradicating malaria-related deaths, enhancing disease surveillance and response systems, providing free medical care for the elderly in state facilities, and introducing grants for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people with disabilities, orphans, and vulnerable children (OVC).