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MBABANE – Eswatini is taking significant strides toward shaping its migration policies and strategies, thanks to the insights provided by the Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) program, a flagship initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

In the face of evolving migration dynamics globally, Eswatini has recognized the need for up-to-date, comprehensive, and humane migration policies.

According to the MGI report seen by Eswatini Positive News the MGIs program, implemented by IOM, assists governments in assessing their existing migration policies, laws, and frameworks. For Eswatini, this initiative has become a cornerstone for the development of a new national migration policy. By harnessing the MGI results, the country aims to capitalize on the benefits of migration, fostering national economic growth, reducing unemployment, and enhancing income equality.

Eswatini’s engagement with the MGIs program has not only paved the way for a new migration policy but has also supported the creation of the country’s migration profile. This profile offers a consolidated and reliable dataset, enabling evidence-based policymaking in the realm of migration management. The government’s approach emphasizes harnessing migration to contribute positively to the well-being of both migrants and local communities.

By leveraging the MGI results, Eswatini is aligning its policies with global processes such as the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Action Agenda on Internal Displacement. The country’s proactive stance underscores the importance of informed, evidence-based policymaking to address the challenges and opportunities presented by migration.

As governments worldwide grapple with the complexities of migration, Eswatini’s commitment to utilizing the MGIs program exemplifies a strategic approach to shaping migration policies that are both pragmatic and humanitarian. With the development of a new migration policy on the horizon, Eswatini is poised to create a framework that not only addresses national needs but also aligns with international standards, fostering a more harmonious and sustainable future for migrants and communities alike.