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MBABANE- “Art is not what you see, but what you make of it.”

The European Union (EU) and International Trade Centre (ITC), have joined forces with the Eswatini government to boost the growth of the country’s artisan sector (craftsperson) and promote job creation.

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Eswatini is known for its traditional crafts, including intricate beadwork, basket weaving, and wood carving. However, the country’s artisans have struggled to reach international markets due to limited marketing and export knowledge.

According to an EU Facebook post Six buyers who represented various companies from Spain, Germany, Norway, France, and South Africa that specialize in selling unique handmade objects; importing and distributing handicraft products from Africa; working with small farmers, and family businesses; and sourcing design and select products from across the world.  

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It is said they spent four days in Eswatini where they visited Ngwenya Glass Eswatini/Swaziland, Far East Textiles and the Vukani BoMake project, and Yebo Contemporary Art Gallery Eswatini, where they also met two women cooperatives: Siyaphambili and Indzaba Yami, and JEREMPAUL. Their interest is discovering new companies and unique handmade product ranges in the country. 

The EU and ITC will provide technical assistance and training to help Eswatini artisans enhance their products’ quality, design, and packaging. They will also link the country’s artisans to the European and South African markets, offering them opportunities to sell their products and expand their businesses.

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Luca Lewandowski from Folkdays, a Berlin-based brand for contemporary fair-trade design and fashion, said she was impressed by the quality of the products they have seen from the different artisans in the country.

“Our customers want handmade products and we are hoping to source products from Eswatini,” she said.

The collaboration aims to create sustainable livelihoods for thousands of Eswatini artisans, particularly women and youth, who are often overlooked in the formal economy. It also seeks to preserve Eswatini’s cultural heritage and traditional crafts.

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Thabiso Nxumalo, an artisan said, “We are grateful to the EU and ITC for their support in promoting the artisan sector in Eswatini. This collaboration will help us increase our incomes and create job opportunities, contributing to our country’s socio-economic development.”

The artisans said they appreciate the feedback from the buyers and they are hopeful that their visit will result in export trade to Europe and South Africa. 

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The EU and ITC are committed to fostering inclusive trade and economic growth in developing countries. Their collaboration with the Eswatini government is part of their efforts to support sustainable and inclusive development in the Southern African region.

Pics sourced from European Union Eswatini