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MBABANE – In a heartwarming tale of transformation, Gogo Mabuyakhulu’s life has taken a turn for the better, thanks to the EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Programmatic Partnership Project, implemented by the Eswatini Red Cross Society.

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According to the European Union in the Eswatini post, Gogo Mabuyakhulu was facing a dire situation where her livelihood was at risk due to the loss of her goats, found hope and support through the Goat Vaccines provided by the program.

For Gogo Mabuyakhulu, her goats were not just animals they represented her source of sustenance and the well-being of her family. The Goat Vaccines, a part of the initiative, became a lifeline for her. With her goats dying and her resources declining, Gogo Mabuyakhulu was on the point of losing her means of living. However, the EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Programmatic Partnership Project stepped in, offering her the much-needed support she required.

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The impact of this intervention has been profound. Gogo Mabuyakhulu is full of gratitude and happiness as she tells her story. “This project has transformed my life and brought so much change to my family. Now, I can afford to put food on the table for my grandchildren and even pay their school fees,” she said. Her goats, once dropping in number, have now multiplied. With pride in her eyes, she shared, “I sell them to support my family.”

She views the assistance provided by the Red Cross as a lifeline, a chance at a better life. “I was given a lifeline by the Red Cross, and I can reciprocate by taking care of my goats,” she stated. Surrounded by her equally joyful grandchildren.

(Pics: Eswatini Red Cross Society)