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MBABANE – House On Fire (HOF) has announced that it has secured a substantial grant from the European Union (EU) supported Sound Connects Fund to support an innovative new and ground-breaking project called CollaboNation!

This was announced by HOF’s Communication Officer Simon Dawson, he said the project will support continental musical collaborations – CollaboNation!

“CollaboNation will connect and unite the Southern African region through a series of unique music collaborations, supporting the weaving together of Africa’s rich and diverse musical genres and inspiring a game-changing creative narrative, contributing to the development of new audiences, inspiring social cohesion, and building linkages between cultural industries and networks,” he said.

In addition to that he said artists from Eswatini, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Botswana are invited to apply for the opportunity to collaborate with each other to record original and inspirational songs, in line with the social and environmental values of House On Fire and the MTN Bushfire festival. “The call out for CollaboNation 2023 opened yesterday and it will run until January 23, 2022, CollaboNation will be a content and artist-driven journey, showcasing the creative and collaborative process of the artists before and during the song’s studio recording,” he said.