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MBABANE – The European Union (EU) in Eswatini made cash contributions to 10 local Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that are working to fight the growing problem of gender-based violence (GBV) in the country.

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This was done by the EU yesterday, in celebration of the World NGO Day. Without mentioning the amount of money contributed, the beneficiary NGOs included Women Unlimited, Haven of Hope, Hosea’s Heart, Joyful Hearts, Kwakha Indvodza, One Billion Rising, Phumelela Project, Sight of Hope, Sivusative Nengcebo, and Women and Law in Southern Africa. These organizations are doing important work to combat gender-based violence, and the donations will help them continue their important work.

The donations were made in partnership with Yebo Contemporary Art Gallery Eswatini, and were raised through the auction of artworks that were donated to the cause.

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The EU has stated that these contributions were made to support the NGOs’ efforts to combat gender-based violence in the country, which is a growing problem. The funds will be used to fund programs and services that will assist survivors of gender-based violence, including counseling, legal aid, and advocacy.

The cash donations were raised from an art auction held on 10 December 2023 by the EU and Yebo Gallery, in celebration of Human Rights Day and the conclusion of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. The auction was part of an art exhibition supported by the EU, which featured the work of 10 local and international artists. Through their artwork, the artists expressed their condemnation of gender-based violence and expressed solidarity with survivors. The exhibition was a powerful statement against violence and a demonstration of the artists’ commitment to human.

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Ambassador Dessislava Choumelova, the EU Ambassador to Eswatini, stressed the importance of addressing gender-based violence in order to achieve economic prosperity and sustainability. The Ambassador said that GBV is a violation of the rights of women and girls, and that it must be addressed in order to create a more just and equitable society. She expressed her hope that the donations would help the NGOs to continue their vital work in combating GBV.

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The representatives of the recipient NGOs expressed their gratitude to the EU and Yebo Gallery for their generous donations. They emphasized that the funds will be used to continue the fight against GBV in Eswatini, and that the contributions will make a significant difference in the lives of the people of Eswatini. Thembinkosi Dlamini, Executive Director of CANGO, also expressed appreciation for the donation, saying that it will be instrumental in helping to address GBV in the country.