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…Furthers encourages Christians to vote


MBABANE– Samson Hlatjwako, the chairperson of The League of African Churches, urged the Nation to vote and further encouraged Christians to do the same.

Hlantjwako was speaking during the Ascension Day sermon held at Mbangweni.

He said Politics for better or for worse, is something every single person will have some kind of interaction with in their lifetime.

“Many Christians bemoan this fact, seeing anything to do with politics as unnecessarily divisive, and choose to abstain from any political processes, including voting. But is this the right approach to take, Christians should exercise their right to vote.

“Some Christians today view all governments as evil and demonic and choose not to participate in the political process. Romans 13 teach that all governing authority in this world comes from God and God alone. We are therefore subject to that authority and should seek to give honor to whom honor is owed as the passage teaches,” he said.

In addition to that he said it is firmly established that Christians are to obey and honour the government.

“Politics, at its core, is nothing more than how human beings interact with one another in order to shape society. Whether you realise it or not, you participate in localised politics with many of the actions you take in your day-to-day life, whether it be eating at certain restaurants, participating in local gatherings or interacting with your neighbours. Politics should not be viewed as something to fear or avoid, but as an everyday part of life,” said the Bishop.

Another senior Pastor Menzi Zikodze from Lobamba said since politics were unavoidable, it follows then that Christians should have some say or influence in political decisions through voting.

He said Voting is a right they are given as citizens and it is one they should take seriously.

Zikodze said as Christians they should view this right in three main ways: as an act of loving their neighbor, as an act of stewardship and as a way of pursuing justice.

“All men and women are made in the image of God, so it naturally follows that all political decisions which affect people should be issues we care about. Jesus tells us in Matthew 22 that one of the two great commandments is to “love your neighbour as yourself.” One way to love our neighbour is to vote for candidates and policies that will uphold and respect our dignity and natural rights as image bearers,” he said.

In addition to that, he said voting should also be seen as an act of stewardship. By virtue of living in the Kingdom of Eswatini, God has blessed them with the ability and right to vote for candidates who will uphold policies that make their country better and glorify God.

“The parable of the talents in Matthew 25 warns against us wasting the gifts that God has given us, so we should be diligent not only to use our right to vote but to use it in an educated manner,” he said.

Meanwhile today is day 10 of the National Election registration according to the Elections Boundaries Commission ( EBC) Communications Officer Mbonisi Bhembe said the registered electorate stood at 92 588.

He said shared that there were 47 052 females who had registered yesterday and 45 556.