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… As he graces his former school, Bhalekane Nazarene Primary, in a farewell function for three long-serving teachers

… Preaches the importance of education

… Commits to school’s requests


MBABANE- A standing ovation for teachers for being future moulders!

This is according to Eswatini Prime Minister (PM) Cleopas Dlamini who said every success in anyone’s life is in one way or the other attributed to a teacher somewhere.

Also present during the event was Minister of Education and Training Lady Mabuza and Eswatini National Association of Teachers (SNAT) President Mbongwa Dlamini and other officials.


The Prime Minister said these words today during farewell function for three long-serving teachers at Bhalekane Nazarene Primary, his former school.

“When I look back at my own life journey and the journeys of all my fellow countrymen and women, I realise with humbleness that we owe all our teachers profound gratitude for their dedication in moulding, nurturing and shaping our lives and the future destiny of this country.

“Every success in anyone’s life is in one way or the other attributed to a teacher somewhere. I want you to know that you are national heroes and heroines. You may have not been prime ministers, MPs, doctors, lawyers, engineers, or mechanics, but you produce them every day in your humble profession,” said the premier.

The PM went on to say they all owed the teachers a big thank you as they were truly a national asset.

“Over three decades of selfless service to the Nation and bringing light to darkness indeed deserves recognition. On behalf of His Majesty’s Government, I want to thank you most heartily for living up to your noble calling to educate and thereby enlightening the liSwati child.

“You have made a meaningful contribution to nation building and you will never be forgotten. You have made a big impact, have opened minds, have taught children what really counts and have changed hearts and lives. I salute you educators as you handover the baton of light to younger teachers. You have run your race and have served the nation,” he said.

The PM also said the nation applauded and honoured them and were very proud of them, saying as they retired from your profession of teaching in class, they were entering another phase of your patriotic responsibilities; that of nation building outside the classroom.

“We count on your wealth of experience to help the country move forward to self-sustenance,” said the PM.

In his deliberation, the PM thanked the Principal and the whole administration of Bhalekane Nazarene Primary School for the invitation, which evoked fond childhood memories for me.

“This is indeed an emotional moment for me, a sort of dé·jà vu, as many years ago, I attended this very same school. I applaud the immerse contribution that the Church of the Nazarene has made in providing the necessary infrastructure for the socio-economic development of the country and for contributing to the development of the human capital that is so vital in the development of the country,” said Dlamini.

Unpacking the background of the school, the PM said he was advised that Bhalekane Nazarene Primary School was established around 1930, which made it one of the oldest schools in the country.

“In the early 1960’s when I attended, it was only a handful children of plus or minus 100–120. Since then, the school has grown in leaps and bounds in terms of both enrolment and to some extent, infrastructure development.

“Its location is very strategic and covers a wide geographic area: which includes Madlangempisi; Mzaceni; Mahlabatsini and Msinda. These areas are very far apart. In some cases, the pupils had to walk distances of over 3km one way; totalling 6km for the return trip every day of school. There were no cars and no buses at the time.

“This is indeed quite some tiring distance, which sometimes forced the faint hearted to quit school. However, those who persevered with the unwavering support and motivation of both parents and teachers, made it through.”

Narrating, the PM went on to say hundreds and thousands of emaSwati had been afforded the golden opportunity to horn their educational, social, technical and other skills- to enable them to navigate, participate and engage meaningfully in the socio-economic development of their wellbeing and the economy at large.

“I am particularly pleased to note that a number of professionals have gone through the doors of learning at this school. The list includes administrators, economists, engineers, nurses, lawyers, lecturers, teachers, pastors, and businesspeople, amongst others.

“I am blessed to have been one of the many four in the long list of persons who went through the doors of this very school during my elementary schooling days. I have no doubt that without your noble sacrifice; many of these aspirations would not have been realised,” he said.



MBABANE- Education is the guaranteed key to success.

During the farewell function of the three long-serving teachers at Bhalekani Nazarene Primary School, Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini said implied that education was important for one’s progress, irrespective of family background.

“As I applaud you all for the sacrifices you made and continue to make in setting a strong foundation through education for the long and sometimes challenging journey of life, I cannot over-emphasise the importance of education.

“This very school and teachers inspired many emaSwati, including myself, to be where they are today. In the midst of the socio-economic challenges of this world that we live in, education remains the one key that opens most doors in the journey of life, irrespective of social background. It has the potential to rescue our societies from poverty, inequality, and unemployment.”

He went on to say this was a testimony that, irrespective of family background and social standing, education could ensure a better future for all saying who would have thought that a rural mission school like Bhalekane Nazarene Primary School would, as early as the 1960s, could produce men and women who would make such a five tremendous contribution to the development agenda of our country?

He challenged children in the school, surrounding communities and across the country by saying it is not where they came from or what school they attended that determined their future, but it was about commitment, dedication, perseverance, respect and grabbing with both hands every opportunity presented to them.

“This brings to mind quotes by these great men and women, in Allan Boom, who once said, ‘education is the movement from darkness to light,’ President Nelson Mandela, who one once said, ‘education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’ and Benjamin Franklin, who once said ‘an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.’ Challenge to parents and surrounding communities

“To parents and the surrounding communities, we stand before you today very proud of your support, encouragement and sacrifices in nurturing and inspiring 6 future prime ministers, cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament, teachers, judges, and doctors, to name a few,” said the PM.

The PM thanked them for accepting, co-habitating and supporting the Church of the Nazarene and the school throughout its history.

“I also wish to acknowledge and thank the Eswatini Government for its immerse support to the school in various capacities. The school belongs to you- it serves the schooling needs of your children and therefore deserving of your continued support.”

He urged current teachers to follow and improve on the good example that had been set by the retiring teachers. Where possible, please raise the bar higher and higher.

“Bhalekane Nazarene Primary School should not only be amongst the top performing schools but be the top performing school in the country; with effect from the 2022 academic year going forward.  

“This should be done as a legacy of my visit to the school,” he said.



MBABANE- “We will consider the requests with urgency.”

This was said by Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini at Bhalekane Nazarene Primary School in his closing notes during the farewell function of three long-serving teachers.

“In consultation with the Minister for Education and Training and within limited Government resources; it pleases me to pledge, on behalf of His Majesty King Mswati III and His Majesty’s Government, that we will consider some of the urgent requests that have been made today;

“I can commit to the following the construction of four classrooms, construction of feeding kitchen, computer laboratory and the procurement of new wheelchair for a learner,” he said.

He thanked the sponsors and all those who contributed to making today’s event a success.

“Indeed, “blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that receiveth.” The event would not have been the success that it has turned out to be without your contributions, thank you very much.”