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….Reportedly paid Lobola to his Swati sweet heart


MBABANE – Former Minister of Finance in South Africa Malusi Gigaba is said to have paid Lobola for his fiancée Nomfundo Fakudze who is from Eswatini.

Gigaba is set to get married for the third time, according to Zimoja and Sunday world newspapers based in South Africa.

The 51-year-old politician, who has also held office as the Minister of Public Enterprise, is said to have paid lobola for his Eswatini fiancée, Nomfundo Fakudze.

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Malusi Gigaba’s fiancée, Nomfundo Fakudze.

The publication reports that Gigaba sent his uncles to the Kingdom of Eswatini in Manzini this past weekend. Fakudze is a senior investment associate at National Empowerment Fund (NEF).

While it is not clear when the couple will get married, ZAlebs a prominent online publication in South Africa reported in 2021 that the pair was already in a relationship after Fakudze was spotted at the politician’s daughter Lerato Gigaba’s 21st birthday party.

The former minister has not been able to hide his love for Fakudze as he gushes over her beauty at every chance he gets on her Instagram posts. The couple has also been friendly on the social media app.

In the comments section under one of her posts, Gigaba refers to his fiancée as a “flame”  which she corrects and tells him to add the possessive adjective “my” in the beginning of his compliment.

Instagram posts seen by this publication on Gigaba’s suggested that something major had taken place in his life as a number of local instagram users  kept referring to Gigaba as ‘Brother in law’

One comment from a Sindi account read ‘Sbali wetfu’ loosely translated to ‘Our brother in law’ and Gigaba affirmed the comment by sending back smiling emojiis.

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When reached for a comment on the good news through his instagram account, Gigaba said he was not aware of anything. He later declined commenting any further.

“I do not know anything about this, this is news to me but I guess when something like this reaches my attention I will respond accurately,” he said.

Malusi Gigaba has been married twice previously. In 2010 he got divorced from his first wife Thabong Nxumalo and got married to Nomachule ‘Norma’ Gigaba (née Mngoma) who became his second wife.

Gigaba and Norma married in 2014, but had a messy split in 2020 which resulted in the businesswoman keying his friend’s Mercedes-Benz G-Class after he allegedly also cheated on her. She was released on R5 000 bail in July of the same year.

Although not much is known about the couple, as even their wedding date is not known yet,it has been gathered that Fakudze is a highly educated woman in her forties. She has a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics obtained from the University of South Africa.

Fakudze also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Business/commerce qualification from Gordon Institute of Business Science.