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MANZINI–  Stadium lights blazed at Mavuso Sports Stadium as the highly anticipated game between Royal Leopards and recently promoted Ezulwini United kicked off, filling the air with an electric buzz of excitement yesterday night(4 September 2023) . This was the recently launched Trade Fair Cup Match.

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 Fans from both teams packed the stands, eager to see the home team display the ball sets they were known for, while the Ezulwini supporters hoped their team would put up enough of a fight to walk away with at least a draw.

As the game progressed, it became apparent that the newcomers were more than just a team to be beaten. Their defense held firm against Royal Leopards’ relentless attack, and in the final minutes, they even managed to snag a few opportunities to score. However, despite the action-packed game, the clock ticked down, and the score remained at a goalless draw.

But the match was far from over.

Ezulwini United and Royal Leopards grabbed their extra time opportunities and threw themselves into it, hoping for a goal that would decide the winner. But neither team could find that essential spark, blocking them from victory. As the game wrapped up in a draw, it was time for a penalty shoot-out.

Cheers and boos mixed up as Royal Leopards and Ezulwini United stepped onto the pitch one by one to take their turn at goal. Shots crashed off the goalposts, flew high over the crossbar, and were saved by the keepers, but finally, it was Ezulwini United’s chance to take the lead.

Cool and collected, Ezulwini striker stepped up to the line and booted the ball straight into the back of the net, and as Royal Leopards’ final chance went soaring over the bar, the stadium erupted with the sound of rival fans cheering and groaning.

The final score of 4-1 after the penalties meant that the underdogs, Ezulwini United, had crafted an upset by defeating one of the league’s strongest teams, Royal Leopards, much to the shock of the footballing community. The team’s performance had silenced many of their critics, proving that they deserved to be in the big leagues and can take down any team that comes their way.

📸 Courtesy of Eswatini Soccer Magazine