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MBABANE– The Parliament house in Lobamba is currently a hive of activity with workers and service companies in preparation for the fifth session of the 11th Parliament opening tomorrow.

During a visit by this publication, the whole parliament had people servicing parts of it, this included setting up the marquee which has been absent since COVID-19 took over. Some were seen setting up tables and working on lighting.

Other preparations included repainting of the parliament house and bringing it up to standard for the much anticipated day tomorrow where His Majesty King Mswati III is going to deliver his speech from the throne.

This whole week has been highlighted by rehearsals and intense preparations by the Cabinet, it is then that Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) encouraged emaSwati to tune in to listen to the King speak.

His sentiments were echoed by the Prime Minister Cleopas Sipho Dlamini who said people should not lose focus because it is not all people who want to see the success of the Parliament opening.

Meanwhile according to the Meteorological Services the weather is going to be fair tomorrow but rains have not been ruled out.

The weather, as revealed by the service’s officer, Victor Motsa, will hit 26 degrees Celsius tomorrow, which he said would present a good opportunity for people to come clad in their traditional attire.

However, he mentioned that having an umbrella on the day would be wise, as drizzle was possible, given that it would be raining today and the rains may spill over to tomorrow.

“We are in an equatorial type of climate and, for that reason, we can’t rule out the possibility of passing showers. The weather is not clear on Friday (tomorrow), with possibilities of showers and sunshine but hopefully it will be a sunny day just like it did the previous time,” he said.

A delegate from the Ministry of Health said there would be three clinics on-site with two doctors to attend to those who may need medical attention.

She said there won’t be a requirement to test for COVID-19 upon arrival, but those who would feel the need to test would be allowed to do so. “Masks will be made available if one feels the need to put it on and we also encourage that people bring same in case they would need to put it on,” she said.